48:2-79 - System operator, responsibilities
48:2-79. System operator, responsibilities
7. The system operator shall:
a. Operate the One-Call Damage Prevention System, which shall include but not be limited to the services described in section 4 of this act;
b. Establish a schedule of fees under which each operator shall pay an equitable share of the costs of maintaining the One-Call Damage Prevention System. This schedule of fees shall be submitted to the board for review and approval and shall be subject to the continuing jurisdiction of the board;
c. Ensure that the One-Call Damage Prevention System operates in all areas of the State. The telephone number of the One-Call Damage Prevention System for providing any notice required by this act shall be a toll-free number;
d. Notify the public and known excavators of the requirement pursuant to this act for the mandatory use of the One-Call Damage Prevention System to locate underground facilities; and
e. Comply with all other provisions of this act.