48:15-23 - Inclosed or vestibuled platforms on cars required;  penalty

48:15-23.  Inclosed or vestibuled platforms on cars required;  penalty
    No company operating a street railway or railroad operated as a street railway by means of electric motors shall, between the first day of November and the first day of April in any year, use for passenger transportation any car or other vehicle not constructed with inclosed or vestibuled platforms provided with proper glazed sashes at the ends of the car and with open doorways at the side.

    Any company operating any car or vehicle in violation of this section shall  be liable to a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each day or part thereof any  such car or vehicle shall be so operated.  Such penalty may be recovered in any  court of competent jurisdiction together with the costs of the suit by the  person, board or authority having control of the police department of any  municipality in or through which such car or vehicle shall be operated.  The  penalty when recovered shall be paid into the treasury of such municipality.