46:8A-15 - Necessary contents of by-laws;  modification of system; recordation

46:8A-15.  Necessary contents of by-laws;  modification of system; recordation
    The bylaws must necessarily provide for at least the following:

    (a) Form of administration, indicating whether this shall be in charge of an  administrator or of a board of administration, or otherwise, and specifying the  powers, manner of removal, and, where proper, the compensation thereof.

    (b) Provisions for notices of meetings of coowners containing a statement of  the purpose of the meeting;  method of notifying and calling or summoning the  coowners to assemble;  that all decisions, including decisions involving capital expenditures, shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority  of the coowners of the property;  who is to preside over the meeting and who  will keep the minute book wherein the resolutions shall be recorded.

    (c) Care, upkeep and surveillance of each building and the general and limited common elements and services of each building.

    (d) Manner of collecting from the coowners for the payment of the common expenses.

    (e) Designation and dismissal of the personnel necessary for the works and the general and limited common services of each building.

    The sole owner of the property, or, if there be more than one, a majority of  the coowners of the property, may at any time modify the system of administration, but each one of the particulars set forth in this section shall  always be embodied in the bylaws.  No such modification may be operative until  it is embodied in a recorded instrument which shall be recorded in the same  office and in the same manner as was the master deed and original bylaws of the  horizontal property regime involved.

     L.1963, c. 168, s. 15.  Amended by L.1978, c. 124, s. 6, eff. Oct. 5, 1978.