46:3C-7 - Fees for copies of lists
46:3C-7 Fees for copies of lists.
7.A municipality that receives and makes available the lists required under P.L.1995, c.253 (C.46:3C-1 et seq.) may charge purchasers in accordance with the provisions of section 2 of P.L.1963, c.73 (C.47:1A-2).
L.1995,c.253,s.7; amended 2000, c.126, s.28.
46:3C-8.Seller's notice regarding off-site conditions8. At the time of entering into a contract for the sale of newly constructed residential real estate, the seller shall provide the purchaser with a notice of the availability of the lists of the off-site conditions that exist not only within the boundaries of the municipality in which the residential real estate is located but also within any other municipality located within one-half mile of the residential real estate. The notice shall be as follows:
Pursuant to the "New Residential Construction Off-Site Conditions Disclosure Act," P.L.1995, c.253 (C.46:3C-1 et seq.), sellers of newly constructed residential real estate are required to notify purchasers of the availability of lists disclosing the existence and location of off-site conditions which may affect the value of the residential real estate being sold. The lists are to be made available by the municipal clerk of the municipality within which the residential real estate is located and in other municipalities which are within one-half mile of the residential real estate. The address(es) and telephone number(s) of the municipalities relevant to this project and the appropriate municipal offices where the lists are made available are listed below. Purchasers are encouraged to exercise all due diligence in order to obtain any additional or more recent information that they believe may be relevant to their decision to purchase the residential real estate. Purchasers are also encouraged to undertake an independent examination of the general area within which the residential real estate is located in order to become familiar with any and all conditions which may affect the value of the residential real estate.
The purchaser has five (5) business days from the date the contract is executed by the purchaser and the seller to send notice of cancellation of the contract to the seller. The notice of cancellation shall be sent by certified mail. The cancellation will be effective upon the notice of cancellation being mailed. If the purchaser does not send a notice of cancellation to the seller in the time or manner described above, the purchaser will lose the right to cancel the contract as provided in this notice.
46:3C-9.Cancellation of contract
9. The purchaser may cancel the contract by sending a written notice of cancellation to the seller within five business days from the date the contract is executed by the purchaser and the seller, informing the seller that the purchaser is canceling the contract. The notice of cancellation shall be sent by certified mail. If the purchaser fails to send the notice of cancellation in the time and manner provided for in this section, the purchaser shall lose the right to cancel the contract pursuant to this act and the contract shall be otherwise legally binding.
46:3C-10.Seller's disclosure duties
10. a. By providing the purchaser with the notice of the availability of the lists, as required by section 8 of P.L.1995, c.253 (C.46:3C-8), the seller shall be deemed to have disclosed fully the off-site conditions relating to the residential real estate and shall be deemed to have satisfied fully the seller's disclosure duties pursuant to New Jersey law notwithstanding that (1) the lists required to be submitted to the municipal clerk of each municipality pursuant to sections 5 and 6 of P.L.1995, c.253 (C.46:3C-5 and C.46:3C-6) have not been, or are not yet required to be submitted or (2) a municipal clerk has not received or made available the lists as required pursuant to section 4 of P.L.1995, c.253 (C.46:3C-4) or (3) there is any error, omission or inaccuracy in the lists as made available by the municipality. This furnishing of the notice shall be available to the seller as a defense to any claim that the seller failed to disclose any off-site conditions.
b. A seller's responsibility to disclose those conditions that may materially affect the value of the residential real estate, but which are not part of the project, shall be fully met when notice is provided in accordance with the provisions of P.L.1995, c.253 (C.46:3C-1 et seq.). The furnishing of the notice shall be available to the seller as a defense to any claim that the seller failed to disclose any conditions which are not part of the project.
c. With respect to any residential real estate contracts entered into and fully executed prior to the effective date of this act, no seller shall be deemed to have breached any duty to disclose, nor shall any seller be liable to any person for any loss, damage, or any other injury for failure to have disclosed the existence of any off-site condition or any other condition which is not part of the residential real estate, except in any specific cases in which there has been an action filed in the Superior Court prior to April 25, 1995, or in which the Appellate Division of the Superior Court or the Supreme Court has issued a decision prior to the effective date of this act.
d. The provisions of P.L.1995, c.253 (C.46:3C-1 et seq.) shall not be interpreted to affect the disclosure requirements for conditions off-site contained in "The Planned Real Estate Development Full Disclosure Act," P.L.1977, c.419 (C.45:22A-21 et seq.), the "Air Safety and Zoning Act of 1983," P.L.1983, c.260 (C.6:1-80 et seq.) or in any other statutory provision.
46:3C-11.Seller not required to contribute to list11. No seller, unless otherwise required by section 5, as a condition of completeness or approval pursuant to the "Municipal Land Use Law," P.L.1975, c.291 (C.40:55D-1 et seq.), or any other law, rule or regulation adopted pursuant thereto, shall be required to compile or to contribute to the compilation of, in whole or in part, the lists of off-site conditions required to be made available by municipal clerks pursuant to this act.
46:3C-12.Nonliability for civil damages
12. The Department of Environmental Protection or a municipality making available to purchasers lists which disclose the existence and location of off-site conditions pursuant to this act shall not be liable for civil damages for withholding or omitting facts pertaining to such conditions which materially affected the value of the property or otherwise caused any loss, damage or other injury to the plaintiff, unless the plaintiff can affirmatively demonstrate that the department or municipality was in possession of, or which a reasonable person would conclude that it had or should have had knowledge of, those facts and the department or municipality knowingly or intentionally omitted or withheld the facts.