46:3B-8 - Review and approval of alternate new home warranty security programs;  fees;  hearings;  revocation of approval

46:3B-8.  Review and approval of alternate new home warranty security programs;  fees;  hearings;  revocation of approval
    The commissioner is authorized and directed to review and approve alternate  new home warranty security programs which provide for payment of claims against  builders for defects covered under the new home warranty and financial security  adequate to cover the total amount of claims that may be reasonably anticipated  against participating builders at least equivalent to that provided by the new  home warranty security fund.  However, any new home warranty insurance program  approved by the Commissioner of Insurance prior to the adoption of this act  shall:  (1) Constitute an approved alternate new home warranty security program  and shall be deemed in accordance with this section and in compliance with this  act in the form and substance heretofore approved by the Commissioner of  Insurance, (2) not be subject to any rules and regulations adopted by the  Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs pursuant to this act when  such rules and regulations are in conflict with said previously approved new  home warranty program.  Any person desiring approval of a new home warranty  security program shall make application to the commissioner in such form and  manner as he shall prescribe.  He may establish and charge reasonable fees to cover the costs incurred in reviewing and approving such applications.  The commissioner shall review each application and conduct any investigation he deems necessary with respect to an application.  The commissioner may, and if  an applicant so requests, he shall, hold a hearing on an application in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act (P.L.1968,  c. 410, C. 52:14B-1 et seq.) applicable to contested cases.  If the  commissioner finds that a new home warranty security program provides coverage  and financial security at least equivalent to the new home warranty security  fund, he shall approve the program.  The commissioner may revoke or suspend the  approval for such a program after a hearing in accordance with the same  procedures applicable to hearings on applications if he finds that the program  no longer provides coverage and financial security equivalent to the new home  warranty security fund.

     L.1977, c. 467, s. 8.