46:30A-3 - Sale of household appliance without tag or label as to prior use;   exemptions;  violations;  penalties

46:30A-3.  Sale of household appliance without tag or label as to prior use;   exemptions;  violations;  penalties
    No person shall sell, attempt to sell or offer to sell, whether it be by retail, wholesale or by auction, any household appliance other than a new appliance unless there is affixed thereto a tag or label no smaller in size than 4 inches in length and 2 inches in width bearing a statement in lettering no smaller than 10-point type as to the fact that the appliance is a used, repossessed, rebuilt, or reconditioned appliance or has been utilized as a demonstrator unit, whichever the case may be.  Excepted from this provision are  casual sales as defined in this act.

    Any person who violates any provision of this section is a disorderly person.

     L.1973, c. 145, s. 2.