46:18-11.7 - Conditions for a discharge, satisfaction on the record
46:18-11.7 Conditions for a discharge, satisfaction on the record.
3. a. An attorney-at-law of this State or a person duly licensed as an insurance producer pursuant to the "New Jersey Insurance Producer Licensing Act," P.L.1987, c.293 (C.17:22A-1 et seq.), in the line of title insurance who has caused payment in full to be made of a mortgage duly recorded or registered in this State, which mortgage has not been timely canceled in accordance with section 1 of P.L.1975, c.137 (C.46:18-11.2), may submit for recording a discharge or satisfaction-piece, executed as agent or attorney-in-fact for the owner or holder of the mortgage, by virtue of this section, provided the discharge or satisfaction-piece is accompanied by an affidavit setting forth the circumstances of payment, which discharge or satisfaction-piece and affidavit shall be accepted for recording by the county clerk or register of deeds and mortgages, so long as the affidavit is substantially in the form set forth below:
State of New Jersey
County of ________, ss. :
The undersigned, being duly sworn upon the undersigned's oath, avers as follows:
1.I am: (a) an attorney-at-law duly admitted to practice before the Courts of this State; or (b) duly licensed as an insurance producer in the line of title insurance.
2.On ______________, ________, I caused to be sent to ______________________, located at _______________________(the address designated for receipt of payment in the pay-off letter, or if no address is designated, the address given on the letterhead of the pay-off letter), the sum of $________, in full payment of a certain mortgage dated _______, _____, in the face amount of $ ___________, between _______________ (mortgagor) and __________________ (mortgagee), which mortgage was recorded on ________, ______ in the Office of the County Clerk/Register of Deeds of the County of ______________ in Mortgage Book _______, page ______ (and which mortgage was subsequently assigned to __________ by assignment of mortgage dated _________, _________, in Assignment of Mortgage Book ____, page______).
3.Said payment was made by check or electronic wire transfer, in accordance with a pay-off letter received from _____________, dated ______, _____; and I have received advice that (a) the check has been negotiated and canceled on ______, ______; or (b) the wire transfer was received and credited to the recipient's account on ________, ____.
4.On ______, ____, at least 30 days' notice having elapsed since the date the payment was received, I caused a notice to be sent to ____________, located at ______________(the address designated for receipt of payment in the pay-off letter, or if no address is designated, the address given on the letter head of the pay-off letter), by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, pursuant to section 2 of P.L.1975, c.137 (C.46:18-11.3).
5.On _______, _____, at least 30 days having elapsed since the date the notice as set forth in paragraph 4 of this affidavit was received, I caused a notice to be sent to ______________, located at ______________(the address designated for receipt of payment in the pay-off letter, or if no address is designated, the address given on the letterhead of the pay-off letter), by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, of my intention to cause the mortgage to be discharged by affidavit pursuant to section 3 of P.L.1999, c.40 (C.46:18-11.7), if the mortgage remains uncancelled 15 days after the notice is received.
6.At least 15 days have now elapsed since the notice described in paragraph 5 of this affidavit was received. To the best of my knowledge and belief, no letter or other written communication has been received from _______________, to the effect that it denies or disputes that the mortgage has been paid in full and ought to be discharged of record at this time.
7.Wherefore, the undersigned directs the county clerk or register of deeds of the County of ____________ to cause to be recorded the discharge or satisfaction-piece accompanying this affidavit, and further directs the county clerk or register of deeds to cause a marginal notation of discharge to be made upon the record of the mortgage described in paragraph 2 of this affidavit.
Sworn and subscribed before me
this ______ day of _______, ____.
b.Upon payment of the appropriate fees therefor, the county clerk or register of deeds and mortgages shall cause the marginal notation" Discharge recorded in Book ______, Page _____" to be made upon the record of any mortgage which is specifically described in the affidavit.