45:9-53 - Appointment and duties of board of distribution, if more than one  association in a county

45:9-53.  Appointment and duties of board of distribution, if more than one  association in a county
    When more than one association shall be organized under this article within  the same county, the board of governors or directors of each association so  organized within the same county shall appoint two of their own number, who  together shall constitute a board of distribution of dead human bodies subject  to delivery to such associations under the provisions of this article, which  board shall be notified, as provided in section 45:9-49 of this title, whenever  any body may be subject to delivery under the provisions of this article and  such board shall distribute the bodies which may from time to time be so  delivered to it under the provisions of this article equally and in just  rotation among the different associations organized under this article.