45:9-41.7 - Course in arts and sciences required prior to study in chiropractic school

45:9-41.7.  Course in arts and sciences required prior to study in chiropractic school
    Any applicant to take an examination leading to the granting of a license to  practice chiropractic in New Jersey, who has been graduated from an approved  chiropractic school after December 31, 1957, must, in addition to the other  requirements of this act, have successfully completed prior to commencing his  or her courses of study in an approved school of chiropractic at least 1 year's  study in a school or college of arts and sciences accredited by the State  Department of Education and if such applicant has been graduated from an  approved chiropractic school after December 31, 1958, any such applicant must  complete at least 2 years' study in a school or college of arts and sciences  accredited by the State Department of Education no less than 1  1/2   years of  which shall have been completed prior to commencing his or her courses of study  in the approved school of chiropractic.  Successful completion of the aforementioned study prior to commencing the courses of study in an approved school of chiropractic shall be evidenced by a certificate issued by the Commissioner of Education of this State to that effect.

     L.1953, c. 233, p. 1705, s. 10.  Amended by L.1969, c. 154, s. 1, eff. Sept. 5, 1969.