45:8-36.2 - Retirement procedures; resuming practice after retirement
45:8-36.2. Retirement procedures; resuming practice after retirement
3. A licensed professional engineer or land surveyor who has been licensed for a minimum of 25 years and is 62 years of age or older may apply to the board for retirement license status on a form furnished by the board. Upon receipt of the completed retired status application form and the board's determination that the licensee meets these requirements, the board shall declare the licensee retired and shall place the licensee on a retired status list. A person whose license is retired shall not offer or practice professional engineering or land surveying, or both, as the case may be, within the State.
A person on the retired status list who wants to resume the practice of professional engineering or land surveying, or both, as the case may be, shall make application in the manner determined by the board for reinstatement of licensure to the board as a professional engineer or land surveyor, as the case may be, and pay the prescribed reinstatement fee as required by regulation of the board. Any person who has been on the retired status list for five or more years shall furnish the board with satisfactory evidence of current knowledge, competency and skill in the practice of professional engineering or land surveying as required by law or any regulation of the board.