45:3A-2 - Definitions
45:3A-2 Definitions.
5.As used in this act:
a."Licensed landscape architect" means an individual who, by reason of his knowledge of natural, physical, mathematical and social sciences, and the principles and methodology of landscape architecture and landscape architectural design acquired by professional education, practical experience, or both, is qualified to engage in the practice of landscape architecture and is licensed by the board as a landscape architect.
b."The practice of landscape architecture" means any service in which the principles and methodology of landscape architecture are applied in consultation, evaluation, planning, and design, including the preparation and filing of sketches, drawings, plans and specifications for review and approval by governmental agencies, and responsible administration of contracts to the extent that the primary purpose of the contractual services is the preservation, enhancement or determination of proper land uses, natural land features, ground cover and planting, naturalistic and aesthetic values, the settings and approaches, or environment for structures or other improvements, the grading of land and water forms, natural drainage and determination of related impacts, assessments, and problems of land disturbance including erosion and sedimentation, blight, or other hazards. This practice includes the proposed location and arrangement of those tangible objects and features as are incidental and necessary for any government approval and as may be prescribed by State or local authorities, but does not include the design of structures or facilities ordinarily included in the practice of engineering or architecture and does not include the making of land surveys, or land plats for official approval or recording or other services as set forth in subsection (e) of section 2 of P.L.1938, c.342 (C.45:8-28).
The practice shall not prohibit any person from preparing landscaping plans for sites where government review or approvals are not required or where government review or approvals do not require the signature and seal of a landscape architect.
c. (Deleted by amendment, P.L.2008, c.77)
L.1983, c.337, s.5; amended 2008, c.77, s.5.