45:2D-13 - Membership; terms; filling of vacancies; election of officers

45:2D-13  Membership; terms; filling of vacancies; election of officers.

13. a.  The Governor shall appoint each member of the committee for terms of three years, except that of the members first appointed, three shall serve for a term of three years and two shall serve for terms of two years.  Any vacancy in the membership shall be filled for the unexpired term in the manner provided by the original appointment.  No member of the  committee may serve more than two successive terms in addition to any unexpired term to which he has been appointed.  The Governor may remove any member of the committee for cause.

The committee shall annually elect from its members a chairperson and a vice-chairperson.

Regular meetings of the committee shall be held at least once during each quarter of the year and special meetings may be held upon the call of the chairperson or the vice-chairperson in the chairperson's absence.

b.The first appointees to the committee must meet the qualifications to be licensed or certified and shall become licensed clinical alcohol and drug counselors or certified alcohol and drug counselors as soon as practical.
