45:22-34 - Daily report to police of pledges and redemptions; penalty
45:22-34. Daily report to police of pledges and redemptions; penalty
All pawnbrokers or dealers in secondhand goods, in addition to keeping a proper record of the deposit and redemption of all goods and pledges shall, each day, except Sunday, before eleven o'clock in the forenoon, deliver to the chief of police, or other head of the police department of the municipality having an established police department and in which said pawnbroker or dealer has his place of business, a legible and correct transcript, on blank forms to be furnished by said police department, from the book or books in which said pawnbroker or dealer keeps his record of the deposit or redemption of goods and pledges, showing the description of each article or thing received by him during the business day immediately preceding the filing of the report, together with the amount of money loaned thereon, and a description of the person making the pledge. In the case of business done on Saturday such report shall be delivered to the chief of police or head of the police department before eleven o'clock A.M. of the succeeding Monday. Any pawnbroker or dealer in secondhand goods who fails to comply with the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay to the municipality wherein he has his place of business a fine or penalty of one hundred dollars for each and every offense.