45:16-9.4 - Issuance of certificate of registration; renewal; suspension
45:16-9.4 Issuance of certificate of registration; renewal; suspension.
4.Every person licensed to practice veterinary medicine, surgery and dentistry shall procure a certificate of registration which shall be issued upon the payment of a fee determined by the board for a two-year period. A registrant not practicing in this State may apply for an inactive registration and shall pay a fee determined by the board. An inactive registrant shall not practice veterinary medicine, surgery or dentistry in this State. The secretary shall mail to each person licensed to practice veterinary medicine, surgery and dentistry at least 30 days prior to the deadline for registration a printed blank form to be properly filled in and returned to the secretary by such licensed person on or before the deadline for registration, together with such fee. In addition to information about the registrant, the board shall require each licensee to provide the following information on the application or renewal application form: the name, address and telephone number of each veterinary facility in which the registrant will practice 500 or more hours per year; the type of practice; the legal organization of the practice and that entity's name, address and telephone number, if different from the facility address and telephone number; and the name of the principals for that entity. Upon the receipt of the form properly filled in, and such fee, the certificate of registration shall be issued and transmitted.
A registrant applying for active license renewal shall complete not less than 20 hours of continuing veterinary education, of a type approved by the board, during each two-year license renewal period to be eligible for relicensure. Prior to license renewal each licensee shall submit to the board proof of completion of the required number of hours of continuing education over the prior two-year period. The board may, in its discretion, waive requirements for continuing education for an individual for reasons of hardship, such as illness or disability, retirement of the license or other good cause.
The failure on the part of the licensee to renew his certificate as required shall not deprive such person of the right of renewal. The fee to be paid if the certificate is renewed after the expiration date shall be determined by the board. Notice to the licensee by mail on or before the deadline for registration, addressed to his last post-office address known to the board, informing him of his failure to have applied for a renewal of his license certificate, shall constitute legal notification of such delinquency by the board.
Applications for renewal of certificates shall be in writing to the board, accompanied by the required fees. The license of any person who fails to procure a renewal of certificate at the time and in the manner required by this section shall be suspended by the board upon notice. Any license so suspended shall be reinstated at any time upon the payment of all past-due registration fees and an additional reinstatement fee determined by the board. The board may require that any applicant for registration who has ceased the practice of veterinary medicine for a period in excess of three years be reexamined by the board and be required to complete additional continuing education requirements as a prerequisite to relicensure by the board. Any person whose license shall have been suspended for such cause shall, during the period of such suspension, be regarded as an unlicensed person and, in case he shall continue or engage in the practice of veterinary medicine, surgery or dentistry during such period, shall be liable to penalties pursuant to the provisions of P.L.1978, c.73 (C.45:1-14 et seq.).
Every duly licensed person, before commencing the practice of veterinary medicine, surgery and dentistry in this State, shall, within 30 days of the commencement of such practice, procure the certificate of registration required in this act.
Every person practicing veterinary medicine, surgery and dentistry in this State shall conspicuously display at all times his license and registration certificate for the effective two-year period in his main office. Every person who practices veterinary medicine, surgery and dentistry without having such certificate on display, as herein required, shall be liable to a penalty pursuant to section 12 of P.L.1978, c.73 (C.45:1-25).
Every practitioner of veterinary medicine, surgery and dentistry, licensed under the provisions of R.S.45:16-1 et seq., shall report to the board in writing any change in his place of practice, whether same be his main office or branch office, within 30 days of such change.
L.1952,c.198,s.4; amended 1965, c.216, s.9; 1983, c.98, s.13; 2003, c.227, s.4.