45:15-16.45 - Submission of applicant to the courts; methods of service 

45:15-16.45. Submission of applicant to the courts; methods of service 
     a.   For purposes of this act, an applicant for registration submitted to the commission shall be deemed as submission, by the applicant, to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the State of New Jersey.


    b.   In addition to the methods of service provided for in the Rules Governing the Courts of the State of New Jersey, service may be made by delivering a copy of the process to the person in charge of the office of the commission at its office, but that service shall not be effective unless the plaintiff, which may be the commission in a proceeding instituted by it: 

    (1)  Sends a copy of the process and the pleading by certified mail to the defendant or respondent at his last known address; and


    (2)  The plaintiff's affidavit of compliance with this section is filed in the case on or before the return day of the process, if any, or within the time as the court allows.


    c.   If any person, including any nonresident of this State, engaged in conduct prohibited by this act and has not filed a consent of service of process and personal jurisdiction over him cannot otherwise be obtained in this State, that conduct authorizes the commission to receive service of process in any noncriminal proceedings against him or his successor which grows out of that conduct and which is brought under this act with the same force and validity as if served on him personally.  Notice shall be given as provided in subsection a. of this section. 

    L.1989, c.239, s.19.