45:15-12.5 - Maintenance of special account required 

45:15-12.5.  Maintenance of special account required 
    42.  a.  Every individual, partnership or corporation licensed as a real estate broker shall maintain in a State or federally chartered bank, savings bank, savings and loan association or other depository institution physically located and authorized to transact business in this State and approved by the commission a special account into which the broker shall deposit and maintain all monies received while acting in the capacity of a real estate broker, or as escrow agent, or as the temporary custodian of funds of others in real estate transactions in this State.  The account shall be maintained in the name in which the individual, partnership or corporation is licensed to do business as a broker and shall be designated as either the broker's "trust account" or "escrow account" and shall be maintained separate and apart from all other personal and business accounts. All checks and deposit slips produced as a result of the establishment of the account shall contain the words "trust account" or "escrow account."  The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to an individual licensed as a broker-salesperson. 

   b.   A real estate broker may establish a special interest bearing escrow account under the broker's control in a depository institution approved by the commission for the deposit of monies from a specific transaction provided the account is clearly identified as pertaining to that transaction.  Such accounts shall be maintained separate and apart from all other escrow, business and personal funds. 
