45:14C-16 - Examinations; fees

45:14C-16.   Examinations; fees
    (a)  Every State master plumber's license examination shall be substantially  uniform and shall be designed so as to establish the competence and  qualifications of the applicant to perform the type of work and business as  described by this act.  The examination may be theoretical or practical in nature, or both.

   (b)  The examination shall be held at least 4 times a year, at Trenton or such other place as the State board shall deem necessary. Public notice of the time and place of the examination shall be given.

   (c)  No person who has failed the examination shall be eligible to be reexamined for a period of 6 months from the date of the examination failed by such person.

   (d)  The following shall be the fees charged by the State board:

   First application for master plumber's license .......... $100.00

     Annual renewal of  master plumber's State license ..........      $ 50.00

     Re-examination for master plumber's  State examination .......... $ 35.00


   Any licensed master plumber, however, who serves as a plumbing inspector pursuant to the  "State Uniform Construction Code Act," and who presents satisfactory evidence to the State board indicating same, shall not be required  to pay the master plumber's license renewal fee; provided, however, that said  license shall be invalid during such period of service as plumbing inspector.   Upon termination of service as a plumbing inspector, the licensee shall present satisfactory evidence to the State board indicating same, whereupon the  master plumber's license shall become valid, subject to other requirements of  this act.

   L.1968, c. 362, s. 16, eff. Dec. 26, 1968.  Amended by L.1979, c. 62, s. 1, eff. April 4, 1979.