45:14A-7 - Meetings;  organization;  quorum;  powers and duties;  public register

45:14A-7.  Meetings;  organization;  quorum;  powers and duties;  public register
    The board shall, at its first meeting, to be called by the Governor as soon  as may be following the appointment of its members, and at all annual meetings,  to be held in July of each year thereafter, organize by electing from its  membership a president and vice-president.

    The board shall adopt annually a schedule of regular meetings, and special meetings may be held at the call of the president.

    A quorum of the board shall consist of 3 members.  No action of any meeting  shall be taken without at least 3 votes in accord.

    An itemized account of all receipts and expenditures of the board shall be kept by the secretary-director, and a detailed report thereof, verified by the affidavit of the secretary-director, shall be filed with the Director of the Division of Budget and Accounting, Department of the Treasury, within 20 days after the close of the fiscal year.  A copy of this report shall be forwarded also to the office of the Attorney General, as head of the Department of Law and Public Safety.

    The board is authorized to review the content and duration of courses of study offered by colleges and universities for degrees in planning, and to establish and maintain a list of colleges and universities whose planning degrees are approved by the board;  and the board is also authorized to establish and maintain a list of recognized planning subjects and courses of study, and to establish minimum requirements therefor which shall be acceptable  to the board.

    The examining board shall keep a record of its proceedings and a record of all applicants for license, showing for each the date of application, name, age, education, and other qualifications, place of practice and place of residence, whether or not an examination was required, and whether the applicant was rejected or a certificate of license granted, and the date of such action.

    The books and register of the board shall be prima facie evidence of all matters recorded therein.  A public register showing the names and places of practice and residence of all licensed professional planners and planners-in-training shall be prepared under the direction of the secretary-director during the month of August of each year.  Such public register shall be printed, a copy mailed to each licensee, and a copy mailed to  the clerk of each city, town, township, village, borough, county, and other  municipal corporation of this State, which public register shall be placed on  file in the office of said clerk.

     L.1962, c. 109, s. 7.