45:14A-1 - License required to practice professional planning

45:14A-1.  License required to practice professional planning
    In order to safeguard life, health and property, and promote the public welfare, any person practicing or offering to practice professional planning in  this State shall hereafter be required to submit evidence that he is qualified  so to practice and shall be licensed as hereinafter provided. After the  effective date of this act, it shall be unlawful for any person to practice or  to offer to practice professional planning in this State, or to use the title   "professional planner"  or any other title, sign, card or device in such  manner as to tend to convey the impression that such person is practicing  professional planning or is a professional planner, unless such person is duly  licensed under the provisions of this act.  Every holder of a license shall  display it in a conspicuous place in his principal office, place of business or  employment.

    No corporation, firm, partnership or association shall be granted a license  under this act.  No corporation, firm, partnership or association shall use or  assume a name involving the word  "planners"  or  "planning," or any  modification or derivative of such terms, unless an executive officer, if a  corporation, or a member, if a firm, partnership or association, shall be a licensed professional planner of the State of New Jersey.

    No corporation, firm, partnership or association shall practice or offer to  practice professional planning in this State unless the person or persons in  responsible charge of professional planning work shall be so licensed to practice in this State.  The person or persons carrying on the actual practice of professional planning on behalf of or designated as "professional planners,"  with or without qualifying or characterizing words, by any such corporations, firms, partnerships, or associations, shall be licensed to practice professional planning as provided in this act.

    Nothing in this act shall be construed as requiring licensing for the purpose of practicing professional planning by any person, firm, or corporation  with relation to property owner or leased by such person, firm, or corporation,  unless otherwise required by statute or ordinance.

     L.1962, c. 109, s. 1.