45:12-7 - Issuance of license to licensees of other states;  fee

45:12-7.  Issuance of license to licensees of other states;  fee
    Any applicant for license to practice optometry, upon proving to the satisfaction of the board that he is of good moral character, a citizen of the United States, or has declared his intention to become such a citizen, and that  he has been examined and licensed by the examining and licensing board of  another State of the United States, and that at the time of the granting of  such license the standard of requirements for the license to practice optometry  in the State where such license was granted was at least substantially equal to  the standard of requirements for such license established by this chapter, or  upon proof that he has successfully passed an examination conducted by the  International Association of Boards of Examiners in Optometry, and upon filing  with the secretary of the board a copy of his license or certificate, verified  as a true copy by the affidavit of the secretary of the board granting such  license, may, in the discretion of the board, be granted a license to practice  optometry without further examination upon the payment to the treasurer of the  board of a license fee of fifty dollars ($50.00), and in such application for a license without examination all questions of academic requirements of other States shall be determined by the Commissioner of Education of this State.

     Amended by L.1952, c. 255, p. 870, s. 3.