45:1-17 - Powers of Attorney General to implement act and administer law enforcement activities of boards
45:1-17. Powers of Attorney General to implement act and administer law enforcement activities of boards In implementing the provisions of this act and administering the law enforcement activities of those professional and occupational boards located within the Division of Consumer Affairs, the Attorney General may:
a. After advice to the board or boards in question of his intent to proceed under this section, and the specific action he intends to take, and the failure of such board or boards to take steps in accordance with the advice of the Attorney General within 30 days of receipt of such advice, promulgate rules and regulations consistent with the provisions of this act and the Administrative Procedure Act, P.L.1968, c. 410 (C. 52:14B-1 et seq.) governing the procedure for administrative hearings before all boards within the Division of Consumer Affairs. Such rules and regulations shall govern administrative complaints, answers thereto, issuance of subpenas, appointment of hearing examiners, adjournments, submission of proposed findings of fact and conclusions of law, the filing of briefs, and such other procedural aspects of administrative hearings before the boards as the Attorney General may deem necessary; provided, however, nothing herein authorized shall be construed to require the Attorney General to promulgate rules regarding prehearing investigative procedures.
b. After advice to the board or boards in question of his intent to proceed under this section, and the specific action he intends to take, and the failure of such board or boards to take steps in accordance with the advice of the Attorney General within 30 days of receipt of such advice, promulgate substantive rules and regulations consistent with the provisions of any statute governing the activities of any licensing agency, board or committee located within the Division of Consumer Affairs, which shall be limited to disciplinary matters and arbitrary restrictions on initial licensure. In addition to promulgating such rules and regulations, the Attorney General may direct that any proposed or existing regulation be amended, abandoned or repealed. Prior to the final adoption of any regulation affecting the activities of any professional or occupational licensing agency, board or committee located within the division and prior to the issuance of any directive to amend, abandon or repeal any regulation, the Attorney General or his designee shall first consult with the agency, board or committee whose activities are affected regarding the proposed action.
c. After a full consideration of all relevant facts and the applicable law, may direct the initiation of any appropriate enforcement action by a professional or occupational licensing board or set aside, modify or amend, as may be necessary, any action or decision of a licensing agency, board or committee located within the Division of Consumer Affairs; provided, however, no such action shall be directed by the Attorney General in reviewing the action or decision of an agency, board or committee unless such action or decision is contrary to applicable law.
L.1978, c. 73, s. 4, eff. July 13, 1978.