44:5-13 - Annual reports to freeholders by hospitals participating in appropriation

44:5-13.  Annual reports to freeholders by hospitals participating in appropriation    A hospital desiring to participate in the funds referred to in sections 44:5-11 and 44:5-12 of this title shall, prior to December fifteenth of each year, make a report to the board of chosen freeholders of the county under oath  of the superintendent or custodian of the records and verified by the president  of the hospital, setting forth in detail the free work done by the hospital in  accordance with the provisions of said sections 44:5-11 and 44:5-12 for the  twelve months ending November thirtieth next preceding.

    The apportionment of the money for the fiscal year of the county, following  such reports, shall be made to each hospital upon the basis of free service as  shown by the reports, and no hospital failing to make such reports shall  participate in the funds appropriated for the fiscal year immediately following  that failure.