43:4-5 - Effect of article on beneficiaries under repealed acts
43:4-5. Effect of article on beneficiaries under repealed acts
This article shall not affect beneficiaries who were drawing pensions on March nineteenth, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, whether or not the acts under the authority of which such pensions were being drawn were repealed by an act entitled "An act to permit the retirement, on pension, and retention of those now receiving pensions by law, heretofore retired or resigned, from public office or position, after twenty years' continuous or aggregate service in public office or position of honorably discharged Union soldiers, sailors and marines who served in the war of the rebellion, defining the manner of payment of the said pension and repealing an act entitled "An act to permit the retirement, on pension, from public office or position, after forty years' continuous service therein, of honorably discharged Union soldiers, sailors and marines who served in the war of the rebellion,' approved May seventeenth, one thousand nine hundred and six, and also repealing an act entitled "An act to amend the title and body of and to supplement an act entitled "An act to permit the retirement, on pension, from public office or position, after forty years' continuous service therein, of honorably discharged Union soldiers, sailors and marines who served in the war of the rebellion," approved May seventeenth, one thousand nine hundred and six,' approved April eighth, one thousand nine hundred and ten; and also repealing an act entitled "An act to amend the title and body of and to further supplement an act entitled "An act to permit the retirement, on pension, from public office or position, after forty years' continuous service therein, of honorably discharged Union soldiers, sailors and marines who served in the war of the rebellion," approved May seventeenth, one thousand nine hundred and six,' approved May first, one thousand nine hundred and eleven," approved March nineteenth, one thousand nine hundred and twelve (L.1912, c. 84, p. 116).
A person affected by a repealer contained in the last mentioned act, or by implication of repeal of any law, shall be provided for in accordance with this article.