43:21-63 - Allocation of moneys for education, training 

43:21-63.    Allocation of moneys for education, training      7.   In using moneys provided as individual grants pursuant to the "1992 New Jersey Employment and Workforce Development Act," P.L.1992, c.43 (C.34:15D-1 et al.), and in using moneys appropriated for any employment and training program funded or established pursuant to the "Job Training Partnership Act," Pub.L. 97-300 (29 U.S.C. s.1501 et seq.), the Department of Labor and each program shall, to the extent feasible and to the extent it has authority to do so, give priority to funding vocational training and remedial education for individuals who meet the requirements of section 4 of this act, to the extent that those individuals also fall within the target population of the respective program, except that moneys shall not be allocated in any case in a manner which is contrary to any other priorities imposed on the program by law or will result in a reduction of federal funds available to the State for the program. 
