43:21-49 - Postings, notice and claim for disability benefits

43:21-49  Postings, notice and claim for disability benefits.
25. (a) (1) Every employer shall post, in prominent locations, notices to employees in the form provided by the division of whether the employer is permitted or required to participate in a temporary disability benefits program pursuant to the "Temporary Disability Benefits Law," P.L.1948, c.110 (C.43:21-25 et seq.), and whether the employer does or does not participate.  For employers who participate in a temporary disability benefits program, the notice shall also describe the temporary disability benefits available to the employees and prominently disclose that pregnancy is regarded by law as a disability and that pregnant employees are regarded as disabled and entitled to temporary disability benefits to the same extent as other disabled employees.  Upon the request of an employer, the division shall, without charge, provide the employer with a copy of each applicable notice, suitable for reproduction by the employer.  Each employer participating in the State plan or a private plan shall give a printed copy of benefit instructions to any disabled employee as soon as the employer becomes aware of the disability.

(2)In addition, in the event of the disability of any individual covered under the State plan, the employer shall, on the ninth day of disability, issue to the individual and to the division printed notices on division forms containing the name, address and Social Security number of the individual, such wage information as the division may require to determine the individual's eligibility for benefits, and the name, address, and division identity number of the employer.  Not later than 30 days after the commencement of the period of disability for which such notice is furnished, the individual shall furnish to the division a notice and claim for disability benefits under the State plan or for disability during unemployment.  Upon the submission of such notices by the employer and the individual, the division may issue benefit payments for periods not exceeding three weeks pending the receipt of medical proof.  When requested by the division, such notice and proof shall include certification of total disability by the attending physician, or a record of hospital confinement. Failure to furnish notice and proof within the time or in the manner above provided shall not invalidate or reduce any claim if it shall be shown to the satisfaction of the division not to have been reasonably possible to furnish such notice and proof and that such notice and proof was furnished as soon as reasonably possible.

(b)A person claiming benefits under the State plan or for disability during unemployment shall, when requested by the division, submit at intervals, but not more often than once a week, to an examination by a legally licensed physician, dentist, podiatrist, chiropractor, certified nurse midwife, advanced practice nurse or public health nurse designated by the division.  In all cases of physical examination of a claimant, the examination shall be made by a designee of the division, who shall be the same sex as the claimant if so requested by the claimant.  All such examinations by physicians, dentists, podiatrists, chiropractors, certified nurse midwives or nurses designated by the division shall be without cost to the claimant and shall be held at a reasonable time and place.  Refusal to submit to such a requested examination shall disqualify the claimant from all benefits for the period of disability in question, except as to benefits already paid.

(c)All medical records of the division, except to the extent necessary for the proper administration of this act, shall be confidential and shall not be published or be open to public inspection (other than to public employees in the performance of their public duties) in any manner revealing the identity of the claimant, or the nature or cause of disability nor admissible in evidence in any action or special proceeding other than one arising under this act.

L.1948, c.110, s.25; amended 1950, c.173, s.7; 1951, c.60; 1968, c.406, s.2; 1980, c.90, s.15; 2004, c.168, s.3; 2005, c.106; 2009, c.114, s.2.