43:21-48 - Assessment of costs of administration

43:21-48.  Assessment of costs of administration
    (a) If officers or employees of the Division of Employment Security perform  duties in part related to the administration of this act and of the unemployment compensation law, or if there be expenses otherwise incurred jointly in connection with administration of such acts, the division shall make  an equitable apportionment to determine the portion of total expense to be  charged to administration of this act including R.S. 43:21-4(f).  So far as  possible such apportionment shall be based upon records to be maintained with  the respect to activities undertaken in administering this act.

    (b) The Division of Employment Security shall, at the end of each fiscal year, determine the total amount expended by it for administrative cost directly attributable to the supervision and operation of approved private plans, together with a proportionate part of the administrative cost of R.S. 43:21-4(f), and such total amount shall be prorated among the approved private plans in effect during that year on the basis of the total amount of taxable wages that were paid to all employees covered under such private plans.  The prorated amounts shall be assessed against the respective employers but shall not exceed 1/20 of 1% of such wages, and such amounts shall be collectible by the division in the same manner as provided for the collection of employer contributions under the chapter to which this act is a supplement.  In making this assessment, the division shall furnish to each affected employer a brief summary of the apportionment of expense to be charged to administration of this  act, and of the facts upon which the calculation of the assessment is based.   The amounts of such assessments shall be credited to the administration  account.

    (c) The division shall, at the end of each fiscal year, determine the total  amount expended by it for administrative cost directly attributable to maintaining separate disability benefits accounts for employers required to contribute to the State disability benefits fund and assigning modified rates of contribution to such employers in accordance with the provisions of R.S. 43:21-7(e)(3).  Such total amount of administrative costs shall be prorated among such employer accounts on the basis of the total amount of taxable wages paid to all employees during the preceding calendar year with respect to which contributions were payable to the State disability benefits fund.  The prorated  amounts shall be assessed against the respective employers, and such amounts  shall be collectible by the division in the same manner as provided for the  collection of employer contributions in R.S. 43:21-14.  The amounts of such  assessments shall be credited to the administration account.

     L.1948, c. 110, p. 605, s. 24.  Amended by L.1950, c. 173, p. 397, s. 6; L.1951, c. 282, p. 976, s. 1;  L.1970, c. 324, s. 3.