43:21-45.1 - Reciprocal agreements for certain temporary disability benefits

43:21-45.1  Reciprocal agreements for certain temporary disability benefits.

1. a. The Commissioner of Labor is authorized to enter into a reciprocal agreement with the department of labor, or other corresponding agency, of any other state for the purpose of granting individuals residing in New Jersey eligibility for the award of benefits under the "Temporary Disability Benefits Law," P.L.1948, c.110 (C.43:21-25 et seq.), based wholly or in part upon employment in the other state, and granting individuals residing in the other state eligibility for the award of corresponding disability benefits under the statutory authority of that other state, based wholly or in part upon employment in this State.

b.Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the Commissioner of Labor has entered into a reciprocal agreement with another state pursuant to subsection a. of this section, the commissioner is authorized to determine the amount of benefits to be paid to an individual, in accordance with the provisions of the "Temporary Disability Benefits Law," P.L.1948, c.110 (C.43:21-25 et seq.), based wholly or in part upon the individual's employment in the other state.
