43:21-39.4 - Availability of annual reports, contents
43:21-39.4 Availability of annual reports, contents.
13. a. The Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development shall issue and make available to the public, not later than December 31, 2010, and each subsequent year, annual reports providing data on temporary disability benefits, including separate data for claims involving pregnancy and childbirth, and family temporary disability benefits, including separate data for each of the following categories of claims: care of newborn children; care of newly adopted children; care of sick children; care of sick spouses, and care of other sick family members. The reports shall include, for each category of claims, the number of workers receiving the benefits, the amount of benefits paid, the average duration of benefits, the average weekly benefit, and, in the case of family temporary disability benefits, any reported amount of sick leave, vacation or other fully paid time which resulted in reduced benefit duration. The report shall provide data by gender and by any other demographic factors determined to be relevant by the commissioner. The reports shall also provide, for all temporary disability benefits and for all family temporary disability benefits, the total costs of benefits and the total cost of administration, the portion of benefits for claims during unemployment, and the total revenues from: employer assessments, where applicable; employee assessments; and other sources.
b.The commissioner may, in his discretion, conduct surveys and other research regarding, and include in the annual reports descriptions and evaluations of, the impact and potential future impact of the provisions of P.L.2008, c.17 (C.43:21-39.1 et al.) on the State disability benefits fund, and other effects of those provisions, including the costs and benefits resulting from the provisions of P.L.2008, c.17 (C.43:21-39.1 et al.) for:
(1)Employees and their families, including surveys and evaluations of: what portion of the total number of employees taking leave would not have taken leave, or would have taken less leave, without the availability of benefits; what portion of employees return to work after receiving benefits and what portion are not permitted to return to work; and what portion of employees who are eligible for benefits do not claim or receive them and why they do not;
(2)Employers, including benefits such as reduced training and other costs related to reduced turnover of personnel, and increased affordability of family temporary disability leave insurance through the State plan, with special attention given to small businesses; and
(3)The public, including savings caused by any reduction in the number of people receiving public assistance.
c.The total amount of any expenses which the commissioner determines are necessary to carry out his duties pursuant to this section shall be charged to the Family Temporary Disability Leave Account of the State disability benefits fund, except that the amount shall in no case exceed $150,000 during any fiscal year.
L.2008, c.17, s.13.