43:21-14.2 - Termination of lien for contributions for certain years

43:21-14.2.  Termination of lien for contributions for certain years
    The lien provided for by paragraph (b) of section 43:21-14 of the Revised Statutes as originally enacted, upon the property of any subject employer for contributions, penalties and interest due from such employer during the period from December twenty-second, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six, to June eighteenth, one thousand nine hundred and forty, shall terminate one year from the effective date of this act and any property affected thereby shall thereupon be discharged of said lien unless prior to such termination date a judgment or a certificate of indebtedness, each including therein the amount of  such contributions, penalties and interest, shall have been entered or docketed  against such employer in the office of the Superior Court clerk pursuant to the  provisions of the chapter to which this act is a supplement.

     L.1950, c. 170, p. 367, s. 1.