43:21-12 - Employment service

43:21-12.  Employment service
    (a) State employment service.  The employment bureau of the New Jersey Department of Labor and its present personnel, including those employed by the New Jersey national re-employment service, is hereby transferred to the commission as a division thereof, which shall establish and maintain free public employment offices in such number and in such places as may be necessary  for the proper administration of this chapter and for the purpose of performing  such duties as are within the purview of the Act of Congress entitled  "An act  to provide for the establishment of a national employment system and for  co-operation with the States in the promotion of such system, and for other  purposes,"  approved June sixth, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-three (48  Stat. 113;  U.S.C. Title 29, sec. 49(c) ), as amended.  The said division shall  be administered by a full-time salaried director, who shall be charged with the  duty, subject to the supervision of the commission and the executive director,  to co-operate with any official or agency of the United States having powers or  duties under the provisions of the said Act of Congress, as amended, and to do  and perform all things necessary to secure to this State the benefits of the  said Act of Congress, as amended, in the promotion and maintenance of a system  of public employment offices.  The provisions of the said Act of Congress, as amended, are hereby accepted by this State, in conformity with section four of  said act, and this State will observe and comply with the requirements thereof.   The New Jersey State Employment Service Division is hereby designated and  constituted the agency of this State for the purpose of said act.  The  executive director, with the approval of the commission, is empowered to  appoint, subject to the provisions of Title 11, Civil Service, the director,  other officers, and employees, subject to the provisions aforesaid, of the New  Jersey State Employment Service on a nonpartisan merit basis from lists of  eligible persons prepared by the Civil Service Commission and in accordance  with regulations prescribed by the director of the United States Employment Service;  provided, however, that present employees having civil service status  shall retain full rights as provided in Title 11, Civil Service.  The commission may co-operate with or enter into agreements with the Railroad Retirement Board with respect to the establishment, maintenance, and use of free employment service facilities.

    (b) Financing.  All moneys received by this State under the said Act of Congress, as amended, shall be paid into the special  "employment service account"  in the unemployment compensation administration fund, and said moneys  are hereby made available to the New Jersey State Employment Service to be  expended as provided by this section and by said Act of Congress. For the  purpose of establishing and maintaining free public employment offices, commission is authorized to enter into agreements with the Railroad Retirement Board, or any other agency of the United States charged with the administration  of an unemployment compensation law, with any political subdivision of this  State, or with any private, nonprofit organization, and as a part of any such  agreement the commission may accept moneys, services, or quarters as a  contribution to the employment service account.

     Amended by L.1939, c. 94, p. 201, s. 5.