43:19-9 - Payments from fund
43:19-9. Payments from fund
Pensions shall be paid from the fund as follows:
a. In any city of the first class in which this chapter becomes operative, all members of the pension corporation formed from the employees of the board of street and water commissioners, or its successor, who shall have served in the employ of the city in the aggregate for twenty years, and attained the age of sixty years, shall, upon application to the board of street and water commissioners, or its successor, in the city, be retired by the board, or its successor, and shall thereafter receive from the pension fund created under this chapter an amount equal to one-half of his salary at the time of his retirement.
b. If any employee of the board of street and water commissioners, or its successor, who is a member of the pension corporation, shall become incapacitated either mentally or physically, for the performance of his duties, whenever such incapacity is the result of injury received or illness incurred in the discharge of his duties as an employee of the board of street and water commissioners, or its successor, he may be retired by the board, or its successor, and thereupon shall receive from the pension fund, during the term of his incapacity or injury, an amount at the rate of one-half of his annual salary at the time of his retirement.
c. Any employee of the board of street and water commissioners, or its successor, who is a member of the pension corporation, shall have served the city twenty years in the aggregate and shall become incapacitated, either mentally or physically, from illness or injury incurred in the performance of his duty as such employee, or who by reason of advanced age is found unfit by the board of street and water commissioners, or its successor, for the performance of his duties, shall be retired by the board, or its successor, and shall be entitled to receive from the pension fund an amount equal to one-half of his annual salary at the time of his retirement. In case of the retirement of any member of the pension corporation, who became a member thereof prior to March eighteenth, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one, the city shall pay into the pension fund such portion of the pension of one-half the annual salary of the pensioner at the time of his retirement, which shall be in excess of the amount of pension provided for the pensioner in this chapter.
d. No pension shall be paid out of the fund created under this chapter until five years after the creation of the pension corporation provided for hereunder, and all pensions herein provided for shall be paid in the manner which may be determined by the board of trustees of the pension fund.
e. Any employee of the board of street and water commissioners, or its successor, who is a member of the pension corporation who shall hereafter become incapacitated, either mentally or physically, for duty, may be retired by such board, or its successor, for the term of such incapacity; provided, he or she shall have at the time of such incapacity been a member of such corporation for at least five years and had paid in during such time the full amount of his or her annual assessments or contributions, on a pension equal to twenty-five per centum of one-half of his or her annual salary received by said member at the time of his or her retirement, and for every year of active membership in addition to five years, such member shall receive an additional pension equal to five per centum of one-half of the annual salary received by said member at the time of his or her retirement; provided, however, that in no case the annual pension so paid shall exceed one-half of the annual salary received by any member at the time of his or her retirement; and provided, further, that if such incapacity occurs during the first twenty years of active membership in the said pension corporation, the pension payable as aforesaid shall not exceed the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) annually.
Amended by L.1938, c. 53, p. 147, s. 1.