43:17-43 - Delegates of exempt firemen's association
43:17-43 Delegates of exempt firemen's association.
43:17-43. On or before May 1st in every year, each duly incorporated exempt firemen's association shall choose, by ballot, one delegate and one alternate who shall act in the place of the delegate who may be unable to attend the convention or meeting of the New Jersey State Firemen's Association out of the whole body of the membership thereof, who shall represent and vote for the local exempt firemen's association at the convention or meetings of the New Jersey State Firemen's Association. This delegate or alternate shall have the same rights, powers and privileges as the delegates elected to the New Jersey State Firemen's Association by the local firemen's relief associations.
Amended 1996, c.151, s.35; 2008, c.64, s.2.
43:17-44.Annual convention; election of officers
43:17-44. At each annual convention of the New Jersey State Firemen's Association, there shall be elected, by ballot, a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, first assistant secretary, second assistant secretary, executive committee and such other officers as the constitution and by-laws adopted by the New Jersey State Firemen's Association require. The president, secretary and other officers and such other persons or committees as the constitution and by-laws of the New Jersey State Firemen's Association provide, shall constitute the executive committee of the New Jersey State Firemen's Association. The president and secretary, after each election, shall file with the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance a sworn statement of the fact of the election and of the names of the officers so elected. The first certificate filed after March twenty-fifth, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, which contained a reference to the act entitled "An act concerning firemen's relief associations," approved March twenty-fifth, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five (L.1885, c.122, p.144), stated the intention to incorporate thereunder and had thereon an impression of the common seal of the New Jersey State Firemen's Association shall be deemed to be the certificate of incorporation of the New Jersey State Firemen's Association.
The executive committee of the New Jersey State Firemen's Association has the power to adopt and revise the constitution and by-laws from time for time in accordance with R.S.43:17-35.
At each annual convention the New Jersey State Firemen's Association may adopt for its use and government any amendment submitted by any local association or the executive committee to amend the constitution and by-laws as seem best for its uses and purposes.
Amended 1996, c.151, s.36.
43:17-45.Executive committee powers; annual report
43:17-45. The executive committee of the New Jersey State Firemen's Association shall have the supervision and power of control of the funds and other property of all firemen's relief associations, shall see that the same are properly guarded and legally invested and expended and shall examine the annual reports of each association. It shall report to the Commissioner of Banking and Insurance, on or before June 10th in each year, a list of all associations which have complied with the law in all respects. Only associations so reported shall be entitled to the pro rata share of the moneys arising from the two per cent on premiums.
Amended 1996, c.151, s.37.
43:17-46.Field examiner, examination of books
43:17-46. For the purpose of proper supervision and control of the funds and property of the local firemen's relief associations, the executive committee may, each year, elect a field examiner, who shall, by virtue of his office, be a member of the executive committee. The field examiner shall examine the books, bonds and property of any association whenever it may seem necessary for the proper care, safety and custody of the funds and property thereof, and for that purpose may demand and receive, for examination, all bonds and papers necessary to a full and fair examination thereof.
Amended 1996, c.151, s.38.
43:17-47.Annual certificate, filing; share in relief fund
43:17-47. On or before June 1st in each year, the field examiner of the New Jersey State Firemen's Association shall file in the Office of the Secretary of State a sworn certificate, countersigned by the president of the New Jersey State Firemen's Association, stating the name and address of the treasurer of each local firemen's relief association which has complied with the requirements of this chapter.
No firemen's relief association or any of the officers thereof, shall share in the distribution of or be entitled to have or receive any part of any fund for the relief of needy or disabled firefighters, unless the association and officers shall have complied with R.S.43:17-31, and shall be so certified to the Secretary of State.
Amended 1996, c.151, s.39.