43:16-17.2 - Service in administrative or supervisory capacity;  service as  an active member

43:16-17.2.  Service in administrative or supervisory capacity;  service as  an active member
    Service with a municipal police or fire department in an appointive administrative or supervisory capacity or any combination thereof by any person  who immediately prior to such service served as an active member of said police  or fire department, as the term  "active member"  is defined in section 12 of  the act of which this act is a supplement, shall be deemed to be service as an  active member under and for all the purposes of the provisions of chapter 16 of  Title 43 of the Revised Statutes, notwithstanding whether or not such person is  or has been granted a leave of absence from his office, position or employment  in or with said police or fire department to serve in any of said capacities.

     L.1965, c. 142, s. 1.