43:15A-148 - "Early" retirement; formula, conditions

43:15A-148  "Early" retirement; formula, conditions
7.Any workers compensation judge who has served at least five years successively as a judge of compensation and at least 25 years of aggregate public service, and who resigns or is not reappointed before reaching age 60, may elect "early" retirement, provided, that such election is communicated by the member to the retirement system by filing a written application, duly attested, stating at what time subsequent to the execution and filing thereof the member desires to be retired.  Any member of the retirement system, eligible to retire under the provisions of this section, shall receive a retirement allowance consisting of an annuity which shall be the actuarial equivalent of the member's accumulated deductions together with regular interest, and a pension which, when added to the member's annuity, shall provide a retirement allowance during the remainder of the member's life in the amount of 2% of the member's final salary multiplied by the number of years of service up to 25 plus 1% of the member's final salary multiplied by the number of years of service over 25.  Such retirement allowance shall be reduced in accordance with a table of actuarial equivalents recommended by the actuary and adopted by the retirement system reflecting all months that the member lacks of being age 60. The board of trustees shall retire the member at the time specified or at such other time within one month after the date so specified as the board finds advisable.
