43:13-37.13 - Disability from illness or injury resulting from employment; retirement on pension;  determination of disability;  death; benefits to dependents

43:13-37.13.  Disability from illness or injury resulting from employment; retirement on pension;  determination of disability;  death; benefits to dependents
    In the event that any such town employee entitled to the benefits of this act, who having had deducted from his salary or compensation the percentage provided in this act, shall become permanently and totally disabled as the result of injury or illness received in the performance of his duty, he shall, upon his application to the pension fund commission, be retired on half pay. Where, however, any such town employee shall desire to retire by reason of injury or illness, such employee shall make application in writing to the pension fund commission for such retirement; whereupon the pension fund commission shall call to their assistance the aid of a regularly licensed and practicing surgeon or physician.  Upon the filing of a report by such surgeon or physician that in his good judgment and opinion that such town employee is permanently incapacitated, the pension fund commission shall determine by resolution that the said person is entitled to the benefits of this act.  In the event that the aforesaid mentioned employee does not agree with the report of the aforesaid mentioned surgeon and physician he may call to his assistance the aid of a regularly licensed and practicing surgeon or physician who shall make a report in writing to the pension fund commission giving his opinion as to whether or not the employee is permanently incapacitated.  In the event that the two surgeons or physicians so called as hereinbefore provided, fail to agree upon the physical condition of the applicant, then the pension fund commission may call a third and disinterested, licensed and practicing surgeon or physician and the determination of the majority of said three surgeons and physicians, who shall be first duly sworn, shall be reduced to writing and signed by them, and such report shall be considered as establishing the question of the permanency of such disability.  The president of the pension fund commission is authorized to administer an oath to said surgeons or physicians or other persons called in respect to the matter before the commission.  The pension fund commission shall have power to determine such permanent total disability and whether or not it occurred or happened in the performance of his duties.  In the event of the death of any such town employees retired under the provisions of this section while on pension, his dependents as defined in this act shall be entitled to receive the benefits of this act as provided in section eight hereof.

     L.1943, c. 189, p. 528, s. 13.