43:13-22.49h - Repeal of ordinance;  disposition of contributions and effect  on benefits

43:13-22.49h.  Repeal of ordinance;  disposition of contributions and effect  on benefits    a.  If the governing body of the city later repeals the ordinance which it enacted pursuant to section 1 of this supplementary act, a member enrolled on the basis of service as an elected official shall, upon filing an application therefor, receive a return of his contributions as an elected official pursuant  to section 29 of P.L.1954, c. 218 (C. 43:13-22.31) unless the member continues  in the retirement system pursuant to subsection b. of this section or has  retired pursuant to this act.

    b.  Any member who shall have served as an elected official of the city for  at least 10 years and contributed to the retirement system, or who shall have  attained the retirement age of 60, may continue to avail himself of the special  benefits provided by this supplementary act, except that only creditable  service rendered as an elected official up to the time of the repeal of the  ordinance shall be included for the purposes of computing the special  benefits.

    c.  In the case of an elected official of the city who retires pursuant to the provisions of this act and is receiving or is eligible to receive the special benefits provided by this act, the repeal of the ordinance by the governing body shall not affect the benefits which such member is receiving or is eligible to receive, nor the obligation of the city to fund those benefits.

     L.1981, c. 565, s. 8, eff. Jan. 12, 1982.