43:10-91 - Creation of pension fund;  contributions

43:10-91.  Creation of pension fund;  contributions
    A fund shall be created in the following manner for the purpose of paying such pensions, to wit:

    There shall be deducted from every payment of salary to each county clerk's  employee three per cent of the amount thereof;  then there shall be contributed  annually by the county an amount equivalent to three per cent of said county  clerk's employees' salaries;  to the said fund there shall be added all moneys  donated for the purpose of such fund and all rewards which may be paid to any  county clerk's employee while acting as such employee, all of which moneys and  rewards shall be paid over to the board of chosen freeholders of the county to  be deposited in such fund.  In case, at any time, there shall not be sufficient  money in such pension fund to pay such pensions, the board of chosen  freeholders of the county shall, from time to time, include in any tax levy a  sum sufficient to meet the requirements of such pension fund.  Whenever such  pension fund shall exceed an amount which the board of chosen freeholders of  such county, shall, by resolution, from time to time, determine to be adequate for such pension fund, no moneys, except the three per cent specified in this  section, and the moneys given or donated as herein mentioned, and any  aforementioned rewards, shall be paid into such fund, unless and until the  amount of such fund shall fall below the amount thus determined to be  adequate.