40A:5-26 - Subpoenas and testimony of witnesses

40A:5-26.  Subpoenas and testimony of witnesses
    A judge of the Superior Court during the conduct of an investigation pursuant to this chapter may

    a.  upon his own motion or upon application of the expert designated to conduct such investigation, exercise the subpoena powers of the Superior Court and enforce such subpoena in similar manner as in civil actions in the Superior  Court;

    b.  take or order the obtaining of evidence and the taking of testimony, by  deposition or otherwise, in similar manner as in civil actions in the Superior  Court.

    Any person who shall willfully and corruptly testify falsely to any material  matter upon oath administered by the judge or the expert designated to conduct  the investigation shall be guilty of perjury.

     L.1960, c. 169, s. 1, eff. Jan. 1, 1962.