40A:14-185 - Establishment, termination of length of service award program, referendum

40A:14-185  Establishment, termination of length of service award program, referendum.

3. a.  A local government unit that is a county or municipality in which a fire district does not exist may by ordinance establish or terminate a length of service award program for the active volunteer members of the emergency service organizations operating under the county's or municipality's jurisdiction.

b.The board of fire commissioners of any fire district may by resolution establish or terminate a length of service award program for the active volunteer members of the emergency service organizations operating under the district's jurisdiction.

c.No such ordinance or resolution shall take effect until it is presented as a public question, for a municipality or county at the next general election, and for a fire district at the next annual election, and ratified by the voters.  Each such ordinance or resolution shall be adopted by the governing body or the board of fire commissioners no less than 60 days prior to the election at which such question is presented for ratification.

d.In addition to any other procedures provided by law, every ordinance or resolution creating a length of service awards program shall include:

(1)  A general description of the program;

(2)  A statement of the proposed estimated total amount to be budgeted for the program;

(3)  A statement of the proposed maximum annual contribution for an active volunteer member;

(4)  If the proposed program authorizes the crediting of prior year service, a statement of the number of prior years of service available for crediting for each active volunteer member; and

(5)  Any such other provisions as may be reasonably required by the director to carry out the purposes of this act.

e.No ordinance, resolution or public question related to a length of service award program shall require prior approval of the director.

f.Subsequent to the adoption of a length of service award program as provided in this section, the maximum annual contribution may be increased, from time to time, without public hearing or public question, provided such increased contribution does not exceed a number calculated by multiplying the original contribution  as approved by public question by the consumer price index factor.  As used in this section "consumer price index factor" means a fraction the denominator of which shall be the "Revised Consumers Price Index-All Items, Philadelphia Area (1967-100)" (the "CPI") published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor for the month in which the length of service award program passes public question and whose numerator shall be the CPI for the most recent month available at the time the increased contribution or benefit takes effect.  If the publication of the CPI is discontinued, the director shall issue regulations pursuant to the "Administrative Procedure Act," P.L.1968, c.410 (C.52:14B-1 et seq.), setting forth such revisions in the method of computation of the consumer price index factor as the circumstances require to carry out the purposes of this subsection.  Except as otherwise provided in this act, all other material changes to a length of service award program subsequent to its adoption shall be effected without public question but by ordinance or by resolution subject to public hearing, as appropriate to the sponsoring agency.

g.Any amounts appropriated annually for a length of service award program shall be included in the budget of the local government unit as a separate line item.  In the case of a fire district, the budget to be voted on at the time of the public question to establish a length of service award program shall include the first year's appropriation for funding such program, which appropriation, if the public question is defeated, shall be removed from the budget.  In the case of a municipality or county, appropriations for length of service award programs shall commence with the budget immediately following enactment of such program.

h.No length of service award program shall be adopted by any local government unit other than pursuant to this act.
