40:69A-60.7 - City of first class under Mayor-Council Plan C;  police chief;   appointment;  term of office;  removal

40:69A-60.7.  City of first class under Mayor-Council Plan C;  police chief;   appointment;  term of office;  removal
    a.  Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary, the governing body of any city of the first class, which, prior to the effective date of this amendatory and supplementary act, had adopted the form of government designated as  "Mayor-Council Plan C"  provided for in article 5 of the act to which this act is a supplement, may provide, by ordinance, that the mayor shall appoint a police chief, who shall have served as a superior police officer and possess at least 5 years' administrative and supervisory police experience, who shall serve during the term of office of the mayor appointing him, and until the appointment and qualification of his successor, and who shall serve in the unclassified service of the civil service of the city and shall receive such salary as shall be fixed by ordinance.

    b.  The mayor of any first class city adopting the provisions of this supplementary act may in his discretion remove any person appointed pursuant to  the provisions of this act, after notice and an opportunity to be heard. Prior  to removing such person the mayor shall first file written notice of his  intention to do so with the council, and such removal shall become effective on  the twentieth day after the filing of such notice unless the council shall  prior thereto have adopted a resolution disapproving such removal by at least a    2/3   vote of the membership of the council.

     L.1979, c. 163, s. 1, eff. Aug. 6, 1979.  Amended by L.1981, c. 465, s. 43, eff. Jan. 9, 1982.