40:68-1 - Acquisition of land; reclamation and improvement of land
40:68-1. Acquisition of land; reclamation and improvement of land
The governing body of each municipality may acquire by purchase or condemnation, any marsh or other unimproved lands within or adjoining the municipality as it may deem advisable for the best interests of the municipality, and, from time to time, reclaim, fill in and improve the same, or part thereof, and construct thereon wharves, piers, docks, slips, basins, harbor structures and other like structures, and docking facilities, roads, railroads, bridges and other facilities for transportation, and open, construct, deepen, widen, keep open, dredge and maintain channels in any navigable waters upon which any lands so acquired may front, and may acquire, by purchase or condemnation, additional lands to connect such piers, docks, wharves and other structures with the highways and railways within the municipality, and with other public docks and wharves therein, and upon such additional lands may construct and maintain waterways, railroads, roads, highways and appliances suitable to afford convenient access to said wharves, docks, piers and other structures, and also may construct thereon wharves, piers, docks and other structures proper and convenient to afford docking and transportation facilities; and may acquire by purchase or condemnation, or by lease on such terms and conditions as it may deem proper, any wharves, piers, docks, slips, basins and other like structures within the municipality, and all lands, rights and privileges in anywise appurtenant thereto.
No lands shall be purchased or otherwise acquired nor shall any contract be executed for reclaiming, filling in or improving the same, or for the construction of any structures, or the making of any improvement, or doing of any work mentioned in this section, until an appropriation shall have been made equal to the cost thereof.