40:62-17 - Ballot; form and content

40:62-17.    Ballot; form and content
    Such officer shall in the manner provided by law place the question upon the  ballots used at the next general election in the municipality in substantially  the following form:

   "To vote upon the public question printed below, if in favor thereof mark a  cross (X) or plus (+) in the square at the left of the word YES, and if opposed thereto mark a cross (X) or plus (+) in the square at the left of the word NO.

                  "Shall the ........ of ...............

[ ] YES          (name of municipality) acquire (or construct,

                  as the case may be) a plant or  works within

                  (or without, as the case may be) the limits

[ ] NO           thereof for supplying ......... (here specify

                  whether light, or heat, or power, or two

                  or all of them)  for the public and private

                  uses of this municipality and its inhabitants."