40:62-139 - Furnishing water for special purposes

40:62-139  Furnishing water for special purposes.

40:62-139. a. The water commission may enter into a contract with any person to supply the person with water for fire protection; manufacturing and irrigation and other special purposes, at rates or charges and upon conditions to be designated by the commission.  No rates or charges shall include the imposition of standby fees or charges for any fire protection system to a residential customer served by a water service line of two inches or less in diameter.  Thereupon the person shall pay to the commission the rate and all other charges stipulated therein, instead of the usual rates charged to other customers of the commission.

b.No rates or charges shall include the imposition of any fees in excess of the cost of water actually used for any sprinkler system required to be installed in any residential health care facility pursuant to the "Health Care Facilities Planning Act," P.L.1971, c.136 (C.26:2H-1 et seq.) and regulations promulgated thereunder or in any rooming or boarding house pursuant to the "Rooming and Boarding House Act of 1979,"P.L.1979, c.496 (C.55:13B-1 et al.) and regulations promulgated thereunder.

c.Nothing herein contained shall preclude the water commission from charging for the actual cost of water main connection.

d.Nothing herein contained shall alter or affect the lien hereinafter imposed for unpaid water rents or rates, nor change the rights of the commission to collect unpaid water rates or rents in accordance with the provisions hereof.

e.Nothing in this section shall preclude a water commission from requiring separate dedicated service lines for fire protection. The water commission may require that fire service lines be metered.  Nothing in this section shall alter the liability for maintenance and repair of service lines which exists on the effective date of P.L.2003, c.278.

Amended 1981, c.514, s.4; 2003, c.278, s.5.