40:60-25.62 - Inquiry to locate owner;Â certification
40:60-25.62. Inquiry to locate owner; certification
   An application for an order vesting title to the abandoned burying ground or cemetery in the municipality shall include a certification by the clerk of the municipality that a diligent inquiry has been conducted to locate the person owning or controlling the burying ground or cemetery. A diligent inquiry shall include, but shall not be limited to:
   a. Mailing, by certified mail to the last known address of the last owner of record of the burying ground or cemetery in question and the last known address of any lot owner or any interested party if such information is available, a notice of intent to acquire the burying ground or cemetery by the municipality and that in the absence of a written response to this notice by the person who owns or controls it or lot owner or other interested party, within 60 days of the date of delivery, the municipality will apply to the Superior Court for an order vesting title to the burying ground or cemetery in the municipality under this act.
   b. Publication, in at least two newspapers published in this State and of general circulation in the county in which the municipality is located, at least four times in a period of 60 days, of notice of intent to acquire the burying ground or cemetery by the municipality and that in the absence of a written response to this notice by the person who owns or controls it within 60 days of the last date of publication or a lot owner within the same period of time, the municipality will apply to the Superior Court for an order vesting title to the burying ground or cemetery in the municipality under this act.
    L.1983, c. 194, s. 2, eff. May 24, 1983.