40:54D-18 - "The Tourism Improvement and Development Authority."

40:54D-18  "The Tourism Improvement and Development Authority."18. a.  Ordinances adopted to create a tourism improvement and development district pursuant to P.L.1992, c.165 (C.40:54D-1 et seq.) shall provide for the creation of a public body corporate and politic for the district, under the name and style of "the Tourism Improvement and Development Authority."

b. Copies of the ordinances for the creation of the authority or amendments thereof shall be filed in the office of the Secretary of State and in the office of the Division of Local Government Services in the Department of Community Affairs. A copy of the certified ordinance or amendment shall be admissible in evidence in any action or proceeding and shall be conclusive evidence of due and proper adoption and filing thereof.  After filing in the office of the Secretary of State, a copy of the ordinance or amendment shall be published at least once in a newspaper published or circulating in the adopting municipalities, together with a notice stating the fact and date of its adoption and the date of first publication of the notice.  If no action questioning the validity of the creation of the authority is commenced within 45 days after the first publication of the notice, then the authority shall be conclusively deemed to have been validly created and authorized to transact business and exercise powers pursuant to this act, P.L.1992, c.165 (C.40:54D-1 et seq.). 

c.An authority so established shall be subject to the provisions of the "Local Authorities Fiscal Control Law," P.L.1983, c.313 (C.40A:5A-1 et seq.), except that the creation of the authority shall not be subject to approval of the Local Finance Board in the Department of Community Affairs.

L.1992,c.165,s.18;  amended 1997, c.273, s.6.