40:48B-4.1 - Contracts for joint provision of law enforcement services 

40:48B-4.1.  Contracts for joint provision of law enforcement services 
     3.   Whenever the governing bodies of two or more local units enter into a joint contract as provided in P.L.1952, c.72 (C.40:48B-1 et seq.) for the joint operation of law enforcement services within their respective jurisdictions, the joint contract shall recognize and preserve the seniority, tenure, and pension rights of every full time law enforcement officer who is employed by each of the participating local units and who is in good standing at the time the ordinance or resolution, as the case may be, authorizing the contract is adopted, and no such law enforcement officer shall be terminated except for cause; however, for reasons of economy and efficiency the contract may authorize a reduction in force. 

    Whenever the governing bodies of two or more local units enter into a joint contract as provided in P.L.1952, c.72 (C.40:48B-1 et seq.) for the joint operation of law enforcement services within their respective jurisdictions, and any one of the local units is operating under Title 11A of the New Jersey Statutes at the time of the contract, the other local unit or units shall be deemed to have adopted Title 11A of the New Jersey Statutes with regard to the provision of law enforcement services. 

    To provide for the efficient administration and operation of the joint law enforcement services within the participating local units, the joint contract may provide for the appointment of a chief law enforcement officer. In such cases, the joint contract shall provide that any person who is serving as the chief law enforcement officer in one of the participating local units at the time the joint contract is adopted may elect either: 

    a.   To accept a demotion of no more than one rank without any loss of seniority rights, impairment of tenure, or pension rights; or 

    b.   To retire from service.

      If the person elects retirement, he shall not be demoted but shall retain the rank of chief law enforcement officer and shall be given terminal leave for a period of one month for each five year period of past service as a law enforcement officer with the participating local unit. During the terminal leave, the person shall continue to receive full compensation and shall be entitled to all benefits, including any increases in compensation or benefits, that he may have been entitled to if he had remained on active duty. 

    Whenever the participating local units have adopted or are deemed to have adopted Title 11A of the New Jersey Statutes with regard to the provision of law enforcement services, and the contract provides for the appointment of a chief law enforcement officer, the position of chief law enforcement officer shall be in the career service. 
