40:41A-99 - Meetings of board;  journal

40:41A-99.  Meetings of board;  journal
    The board of freeholders shall by ordinance or resolution designate the time  of holding regular meetings, which shall be at least monthly.  All meetings of  the board of freeholders shall be held at the county seat, except that meetings  may upon resolution of the board be held at such other times and places as the  board may deem fit.  The county executive, or supervisor or board chairman or  president may, and upon written request of a majority of the members of the  board, shall, call a special meeting of the board.  In the call he shall  designate the purpose of the special meeting and not any other business shall  be considered.

    The clerk to the board shall keep a journal of the board's proceedings and record, sign and present to the board for approval, the minutes of every meeting.  All official action or votes of the board shall be taken at meetings open to the public.

     L.1972, c. 154, s. 99, eff. Sept. 19, 1972.  Amended by L.1975, c. 255, s. 1,  eff. Nov. 26, 1975.