40:23-8.7 - Appropriations during year when blood collection act is adopted--borrowing money

40:23-8.7.  Appropriations during year when blood collection act is adopted--borrowing money
    If, during the fiscal year in which this act shall be adopted, upon the establishment of such program, any board of chosen freeholders shall have made no provision in its annual budget for the necessary expense thereof during such  fiscal year, said board may appropriate and use any county funds not otherwise  appropriated or dedicated, or may appropriate and raise such funds as may be  necessary for such purpose during such fiscal year and may borrow the same, or  any part thereof, on the credit of the county, and may issue obligations  therefor in the same manner as other similar obligations are issued under the  provisions of the act to which this act is a supplement.

     L.1946, c. 22, p. 62, s. 4, eff. March 19, 1946.