40:23-24 - Companies to supply current upon certificate;  enforcement

40:23-24.  Companies to supply current upon certificate;  enforcement
    Upon the passage of the resolution provided for in section 40:23-20 of this  title no person engaged in the business of furnishing electricity for light,  heat and power purposes shall refuse to supply electrical current for such  purposes upon the production of a written certificate of the inspector of  electrical wires and appliances approving the construction thereof in any building, and no such person shall exact or charge a fee or charge for the inspection covered by the inspector as a condition to supplying electrical current for furnishing light, heat and power.

    No insurance company, or agent thereof, after the passage of such resolution, shall exact or charge a fee or charge for the inspection covered by  the inspector as a condition to insuring any building or buildings in which  such electrical wires, appliances and currents are introduced or placed.

    No person supplying electrical energy shall be compelled to extend its lines  or wires more than two hundred and fifty feet to connect such building unless  the board of public utility commissioners shall, after hearing, order the  extension, and no such person shall be obliged to supply service to any person  who is at the time indebted to the person from whom the service connection is  sought.

    The foregoing provisions shall be enforced by the board of public utility commissioners and the department of banking and insurance respectively.