40:20-6 - Law applicable

40:20-6.  Law applicable
    All laws, public, general, special or private, relating to the board of chosen freeholders in any county in force when sections 40:20-2 to 40:20-19 of this title become operative in such county, shall apply to the board of chosen freeholders constituted or elected under the provisions of said sections 40:20-2 to 40:20-19 so far as the same shall not be inconsistent with the provisions thereof, and the board of chosen freeholders of any county constituted or elected hereunder shall be vested with all the powers, authority, rights and privileges and shall have imposed upon it all the obligations and duties which are vested in or imposed upon the board of chosen freeholders of such county when said sections 40:20-2 to 40:20-19 take effect therein, except where inconsistent with the provisions thereof.

    All such laws in force or in anywise applicable to the board of chosen freeholders of such county when said sections 40:20-2 to 40:20-19 take effect therein are hereby continued in force and made applicable to the board of chosen freeholders of such county constituted or elected hereunder except so far as the same may be inconsistent with the terms and meaning hereof.